

Kuten jo edellisessä postauksessa mainitsinkin, meillä asustelee tällä hetkellä vaihto-oppilas Australiasta. Marina on ollut täällä jo viisi kuukautta ja seuraavat viisi on vielä edessä. Kaikenlaista on ehditty jo kokea yhdessä ja paljon tullaan vielä kokemaan! :) Kysyin Marinalta muutaman kysymyksen ja hän sai vastata niihin.

Why did you choose Finland?

I chose Finland because it is very different from Australia and I wanted to experience something new. I had also heard great things about Finland from my family and friends.

Was Finland like what you expected?

Finland was somewhat like I expected but there were something which I did not know about before I arrived. I expected Finland to be colder all year round. I think that every country is somewhat different to what people expect and not every family shares the same tradition or lifestyle. The travel books and shows I watched before coming to Finland only told me about the touristy things, not the true way of life and the important little every day things. Living in a new country is truly the best way to find out about the country's people, way of life and culture.

What has been the best thing in here?

It is really hard for me to choose the one best experience or thing in my time in Finland so far, but I think that having the experience of living a true Finnish lifestyle ranks very high. I have to say one of the best things of my trip is my host family. They are amazing and have made my trip what it is. One of the most magical things for me in Finland is the snow. Before coming to Finland I had never seen snow so it was so exiting for me. This is just a few of my best things and experiences from my time in Finland.

What's the biggest difference between Australia and Finland?

There are many differences between Australia and Finland, but the biggest are the language, weather, people and culture. I think the most significant of these is the cultural difference. For example sauna and the idea of being naked in front of others was very weird for me. Now I love sauna. I think all of these differences were easy to over come and only made my trip more fun.

What have you done here? Something special? 

I have done a lot in my time so far. I have been to Lapland, Sweden and Poland. I have also been able to experience midsummer and many other amazing Finnish tradition. All my experiences have been really special and are ones which I will remember forever. I can't wait for all the experiences I have still to experience.

Have you been homesick during your stay?

I have been very lucky and I not had any issues with homesickness. I think it comes down to my attitude and the fact that I have such a great host family. I feel at home in Finland and I don't miss home at all.

Viimeiset viisi kuukautta ovat olleet todella antoisaa aikaa minulle ja perheelleni. On ollut hienoa opettaa toiselle maamme kulttuuria ja elämäntapoja, sekä seurata vierestä hänen matkaansa kohti itsenäistymistä. Marina on kasvanut mielestäni ihmisenä hurjasti sekä saanut paljon kavereita täältä. Marina on nykyään kuin sisko minulle ja olen varma, että tulemme pitämään yhteyttä koko loppuelämämme ajan.

Toivottavasti tykkäsitte tällaisesta postauksesta. Marina ainakin tykkäsi, koska tää ei ollut kokonaan suomeksi! ;)

x Silja ja Marina

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